جلسه سوم

به درس جلسه سوم خوش آمدید. 

در این قسمت قصد داریم که درباره زمان  Simple past صحبت کنیم که البته در عین سادگی یکی از مهم ترین ساختارهای انگلیسی محسوب میشه. 

بخش اول
بخش دوم

لطفا پیش از تماشای بخش اول و دوم به هیچ عنوان نمونه ها را انجام ندهید.

فقط پس از انجام تمرین هر قسمت پاسخ های خود را با نمونه های پایین مقایسه کنید.

I got a ticket for speeding yesterday.

I got into a fight with a bully down the street.

I got fired last week.

I got out of washing the dishes by pretending to be sick.

She got ready and left at 9.

I got up early.

I checked out of the hotel, took a taxi and went to the airport.

I called the doctor’s office, took an appointment, and called for a taxi.

I got back home, changed, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.

I studied English for 3 years.

I traveled for a fortnight.

She fasted from the dawn to the sunset.

I was unemployed between June and August.

The meeting lasted a half hour.

It took me a few minutes to solve the problem.

I was excited for the trip.

She was upset with me.

My mother was worried about my brother.

My father was relieved after surgery.

I was exhausted at night.

We were stressed out before the test.



Brad used to beat up other kids in school.

I would always get punished at school.

Chris used to fail at math exams.

We used to hang out at a cafe after work.

I would seldom skip back when I was a teenager.

A boy used to bully me in my old neighborhood.

Tehran used to be uncrowded.

Women used to wear long and puffy skirts.

men wore baggy jeans.

factories produced so much pollution.

Cellular phones used to be huge.

A: how was the trip?
B: It was great. We had fun.

A: What was Spain like?
B: It was amazing. People were so friendly.

A: What was the restaurant like?
B: It was not very bad. I expected more.

When I heard the news, I got shocked.

When I learned English, I started teaching.

I called him when I received the parcel.

The police arrested the suspect when they collected enough evidence.

پس از پایان این قسمت روی دکمه تکمیل این بخش کلیک نموده و پروژه های این قسمت را انجام دهید.

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