جلسه چهارم

به درس جلسه چهارم خوش آمدید. 

باز هم تاکید میکنم که اگر هنوز تسلط روی درس سوم ندارید این درس رو شروع نکنید و برگردید و درس ۳ رو دوباره گوش بدید و تمرین کنید. 

اگر آمادگی رو دارید این درس رو شروع کنیم:

بخش اول
بخش دوم

لطفا پیش از تماشای بخش اول و دوم به هیچ عنوان نمونه ها را انجام ندهید.

فقط پس از انجام تمرین هر قسمت پاسخ های خود را با نمونه های پایین مقایسه کنید.

I was skiing when I broke my leg.

I was eating when my button came off!

My cousin was walking back home when he got robbed.

While my wife was watching TV, she fell asleep. 

While I was taking a walk, I noticed a beautiful stone on the ground.

While I was sleeping, my brother sneezed.

I was talking a walk in the park at 10.

I was taking a sunbath at noon.

We were taking exams then.

I was taking part in a seminar on the 16th.

Mandy was taking a rest at 6.

I was taking a shower at 9.

My daughter was burning up the whole night.

I was coughing all day.

He was suffering from migraine all her life.

The patient was throwing up throughout the day.

I was drinking fluids the entire week.

They were taking medication the whole month.

I was flipping through the magazine while I was trying to find an article.

I was revising for my French final while my mother was vacuuming.

My wife was cleaning up while she was listening to music.

Peter was pretending to listen to the teacher while he was checking on his cell phone.

My sister was preparing dinner while my mom was resting.

I was entertaining the guests while my parents were traveling. 

Julie was never combing her hair.

My brother was never flossing his teeth.

Brandon was constantly picking his nose.

My cousin was always chewing gum.

The students were always yawning in class.

My cousin was constantly burping.

when I walked into the gym, Tyler was doing push-ups, Caleb was doing crunches, Jayden was doin pull ups, some were doing bicep curls, and a group of newbies were doing jumping jacks.


It was getting late.

I was getting better.

We were getting really tired.

Ella was growing up.

پس از پایان این قسمت روی دکمه تکمیل این بخش کلیک نموده و پروژه های این قسمت را انجام دهید.

2 دیدگاه
بستن دیدگاه ها

سلام، آیا همیشه با جمله ing دار از کلمه while استفاده می شود و با جمله CA از کلمه when استفاده میشود؟ یا بصورت برعکس هم می توان استفاده کرد و تحلیل آن به این شکل است که قبل از هر کدام از این جملات when یا while بیاید به معنای تاکید بر جمله بعد از آن است؟

علی اکبر عطایی (مدیر کل) 07 اسفند 1399 در ساعت 19:00

بهتره که با while جمله ing. دار بیاد و با. when جمله ساده

ولی اینو هم بدونید بجای while از when. هم میتونید استفاده کنید.

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