درس هشتم: Future Continuous

به درس جلسه هشتم خوش آمدید. 

امروز یک بعد دیگر از آینده رو که خیلی مهم هست یعنی . Fturue Continuous رو با هم یاد خواهیم گرفت.

لطفا پیش از تماشای بخش اول و دوم به هیچ عنوان نمونه ها را انجام ندهید.

فقط پس از انجام تمرین هر قسمت پاسخ های خود را با نمونه های پایین مقایسه کنید.

I’ll be studying when my friend calls.

We’ll be eating dinner when the movie starts.

My father will be sleeping when his alarm clock goes off tomorrow.

We’ll be waiting when Jack arrives.

We’ll be living in New Zealand in 5 years’ time.

I won’t be working at the age of 50.

My brother will be studying in university next year at this time.

40 years from now, I’ll be playing with my grand children.

I will be working all day tomorrow.

The students will be taking exams throughout class.

They will be arguing over the prices throughout the meeting.

I’ll be trying to persuade her to stay home all morning.

I’ll be working and my colleagues will be going on holidays with their family.

We’ll be proofreading the documents and they will be retyping them.

my wife will be sleeping while I am taking care of the child.

my sister will be washing the dishes while I’m reorganizing the kitchen.

I’ll be traveling to Dubai this month. I will buy you that T-shirt.

The boss will be giving the weekly speech tomorrow. 

tonight, you’ll be taking out the trash.

I’ll be doing some laundry tomorrow.

Will you be taking the children to the park today?

Will your father be coming to the party?

Will you be needing your car at the weekend? 

Will you be traveling at the new year?


پس از پایان این قسمت روی دکمه تکمیل این بخش کلیک نموده و پروژه های این قسمت را انجام دهید.

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